The Eagle, Our National Emblem (EEUU)

The bald eagle was chosen June 20, 1782 as the emblem of the United States of American, because of its long life, great strength and majestic looks, and also because it was then believed to exist only on this continent.

On the backs of our gold coins, the silver dollar, the half dollar and the quarter, we see an eagle with outspread wings. On the Great Seal of the United States and in many places which are exponents of our nation's authority we see the same emblem. The eagle represents freedom. Living as he does on the tops of lofty mountains, amid the solitary grandeur of Nature, he has unlimited freedom, whether with strong pinions he sweeps into the valleys below, or upward into the boundless spaces beyond.

In his right talon the eagle holds an olive branch, in his left a bundle of thirteen arrows, and in his beak he carries a scroll inscribed with the motto: "E Pluribus Unum."The Eagle appears in the Seals of many of our States, on most of our gold and silver coinage, and is used a great deal for decorative patriotic purposes.

jueves, 28 de enero de 2010



restaurant restaurante
drive-in restaurant restaurante sin salir del coche
fast-food restaurant restaurante de comida rápida
self-service restaurant restaurante de autoservicio
bar bar, cantina, taberna
pub pub, bar
cafe cafetería
takeaway (GB) comida para llevar
takeout (US) comida para llevar
food comida
meal comida
hot meal comida caliente
full meal comida completa, de tres platos
square meal comida completa, de tres platos
combo combinación de comidas
snack tentempié, bocadillo
starter / entree entrada, primer plato
main course plato principal
dessert postre
appetizer aperitivo
beverage bebida
bill (GB) cuenta
check (US) cuenta
chef chef
cook cocinero
cup taza
dinner cena
dish plato
dressing aliño/condimento (de ensalada)
fork tenedor
glass vaso, copa
knife cuchillo
lunch almuerzo
menu carta, menú
fixed-price menu menú de precio fijo
mug jarro
napkin servilleta
on the rocks con hielo
saucer platito
soft drink refresco
spoon cuchara
table mesa
tablecloth mantel
tankard jarra de cerveza
tip propina
tip included servicio incluído
waiter camarero
waitress camarera
rare poco cocido (carne)
medium medio cocido (carne)
well done bien cocido (carne)
to ask for the bill pedir la cuenta
to book a table reservar una mesa
to foot the bill pagar la cuenta
to order pedir
to recommend recomendar
Enjoy your meal! ¡Buen provecho!
No smoking Prohibido fumar
No pets allowed No se permite el ingreso de animales
The waiter
What can I do for you?
Can I help you?
Can I take your coat?
Have you booked a table?
How many are you?
Would you follow me, please?
Can I take your order, sir/madam?
What would you like to start with?
What would you like to drink?
What would you like for dessert?
How would you like your steak? (rare, medium, well done)
Do you want a salad with it?
What kind of dressing?
Anything to drink?
Do you want a dessert?
The burgers are very good.
Sorry, the hamburgers are off.
Is everything all right?
Did you enjoy your meal?
Are you paying together?
May I show you to a table?
If you wait, there'll be a table for you free in a minute.
Do you want vegetables with it?
Why don't you try the pizza?
The guest
A table for two, please.
May we sit at this table?
The menu, please.
What's on the menu?
Do you want fish?
What's Irish Stew like?
We're not ready yet.
The steak for me, please.
Can you bring me the ketchup, please?
A salad, please.
I'll have the same.
That's all, thank you.
Can I have the bill (AE: check), please?
This is on me.
Here you are.
The rest is for you.
Have you got wine by the glass?
I'd prefer red wine.
Please bring us another beer.
Could I have chips (AE: French Fries) instead of salad?
What can you recommend?
Please bring me the bill (AE: check) with my coffee.
I think you've made a mistake.

2 comentarios:

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